За нас

Company name: MAKSAT D.O.O – Skopje
Location: Str. 1550 Nr.25 Vizbegovo , 1012 Butel Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

The company “MAKSAT” – Skopje has been established since 1990 in Skopje, R. Macedonia. Its main field of occupation is to engineer, deliver, construct and maintain both antenna and cable distributional systems, as well as to import and distribution of full equipment for cable distributional systems (coaxial and optical cables, passive and active equipment as well as measuring instruments and tools).The company “MAKSAT” – Skopje holds the exclusive representative rights for Macedonia over the companies “Teletronik“ and “Kt Electronic” from Budapest, Hungary, whose main interests are production and sales of cables, equipment and measuring instruments for cable distributional systems, digital broadcast systems, being one of the largest equipment suppliers for the countries of the South-eastern Europe. Also we are major importers for product from TKF, Genexis, TechniSat, Teleste, PCT, Fagor, Trivia and etc.

In past few years we have developed partner relations with “Optisis” from Maribor, Slovenia, which is a leader company on Balkans region for deploying FTTH systems. So, we have developed cooperation in consulting and implementation of HFC to FTTx (FTTH, FTTB, FTTD,  …) migration for Telco and CATV operators, and deployment of products for network management, internet, IPTV and VoIP solutions, consulting for optical access systems and IPT/Ethernet networks, TKF cables (industry cables, flex cables, etc…), TechniSat digital receivers, GenexisFiberXport® etc.

Since 2008, we have signed two frame agreements with “Makedonski Telekom” – R. Macedonia (Part of Deutche Telekom Group) for the project FTTH (one for supply of materials for FTTH network, and second for Civil works for building FTTH network).

In November we have started cooperation with Teleste, thus we have fulfilled our array of products with another famous brand.

Our product portfolio is complemented by an array of professional services. Services vary from equipment related services to consultancy on network design. The company is registered as to fulfil all of the conditions required for every activity in the field of telecommunication. Also we want to add that we are implementing DVB in Cable networks. We have completely trained and skilled teams for splicing fiber optic etc.

In addition, we present some of the largest engineering and construction project our company has accomplished:

R E F E R E N C E    L I S T

– FTTH Network “Makedonski Telekom” – R. Macedonia (part of Deutche Telekom Group);
– Fiber optical network “Kabel plus” – Skopje;
– Fiber optical network “Maksat i Naumoski” – Skopje;
– Fiber optical network “Kabelsat “ – Skopje;
– Fiber optical network “Sprint” – Veles;
– Fiber optical network “Astra 99” – Kumanovo;
– Fiber optical network “Spajder” – Gevgelija;
– Fiber optical network “Kablenet” – Prilep;
– Fiber optical network “Kujtesa” – Kosovo;
– Fiber optical network “Altrasat” – Ohrid;
– Fiber optical network “Inel” – Kavadarci;
– Fiber optical links for “VIP operator” – Skopje;
– Fiber optical network “Pet Net” – Gevgelija;
– Part of Fiber optical network “Kale 2002” – Kicevo;
– Part of Fiber optical network “Miks net” – Bitola;
– Fiber optical network “Kabel” – Valandovo;
– Fiber optical network “Sopiste” – Skopje;
– Fiber optical network “Belimbegovo” – Skopje;
– Fiber optical network “Bistra hotel, Sport hotel and Lodge hotel” – Mavrovo;
– Fiber optical network for stage of MOB – Skopje;
– Active and pasive equipment for Fiber optical network “Kabelnet” – Strumica;
– DVB headend “Altrasat” – Ohrid;
– DVB headend “Kabelnet” – Strumica;
– DVB headend “Duga” – Cacak, Serbija;
– DVB headend “Spajder” – Gevgelija;
– IP stream “AB kanal” – Skopje;
– Cable systems for the following hotels: “Alexander Palace” – Skopje, “Bistra” – Mavrovo, “Radika” – Mavrovo, “Fersped” –Mavrovo, “Makedonski Telekomunikacii” – Mavrovo, “Krusino” – Kicevo, hotels under the managing board of the National supplier for electricity in Macedonia – ESM, Other Satellite systems for the Macedonian National Army Satellite systems for the Embassies of the USA, Russia and France; Antenna systems for radio VOA – Voice of America; Antenna systems for radio RFI – Radio France International etc…

In the end, we would like to express our sincere hope for a joint activity and a mutual future cooperation,
which will enable us to perpetuate our professionalism to your benefit.
Sincelery, MAKSAT – Skopje