Our product portfolio is complemented by an array of professional services. Services vary from equipment related services to consultancy on network design. The company is registered as to fulfil all of the conditions required for every activity in the field of telecommunication. Also we want to add that we are implementing DVB in Cable networks. We have completely trained and skilled teams for splicing fiber optic etc.

Maksat is Now an Official Distributor of Wi-Tek! We’re thrilled to announce that Maksat has entered into a significant partnership as an

ANGA COM – Exhibition and Conference for Broadband, Cable & Satellite in Cologne (Germany) from 12 to 14 June TV Strategies in

Location: Str. 1550 Nr.25 Vizbegovo , 1012 Butel Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

In October 2014 Maksat started building a new Headquarter.It will consist of warehouse, offices, training and presentation rooms.

Maksat team was part of SCTE (Society for broadband Professionals) held on 2 October in Belgrade. Maksat took part in this event

Date: 12th Decembar 2013, place: Hotel Aleksandar PalaceAs announced, Maksat with support of Teleste organized the second Teleste Day. In pleasant and

We are proud to announce upcoming TELESTE DAY 2 Location: Hotel Aleksandar Palace Skopje Date: 12.12.2013 Introduction and live presentation of OPTIMO

May 2013 Maksat signed an agreement with Gruppo5 to participate togather on Macedonian market. We offer systems for uninterruptible power supplies –

We want to thank all our partners, guests and friends for attending our presentation of the Teleste products. Wewould like to express

Another succesfull presentation of Maksat on the SCTE`s 2012 Balkan Broadband Conference and Exibition in Belgrade. Again, our stand was one of

Maksat – Macedonia with our partners Teletronik – Switzerland, Optisis – Slovenia and Helios – Serbia will participate on the SCTE Balkans

Dear costumers! We are glad to present you our new website http://eshop.maksat.mk where you can get the information for the tehnical feature

Maksat again with one of the busiest stands on the exibition. We were proud to present our partners like Teletronik – Switcerland,