
Wission WDH-4500P-84S2

SKU: 60194


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WDH-4500P is a professional integrated receiver decoder together with a built-in transport stream processor. Equipped with a
wide range of inputs of DVB-T/T2,S/S2,C tuner, ASI and TS/IP, it can be used in the satellite, cable, terrestrial and IP networks.
It provides a powerful transport stream processing engine for re-mulƟ ple×ing, descrambling, TS over IP encapsulaƟ on. It has
2 DVB common interface slots capable of working with most of well known CAS in the market to de-crypt mulƟ ple pay TV services.
Its re-mulƟ ple×ing capability enables creaƟ on of customized SPTS and MPTS output to IP and ASI ports. The WDH-4500P
is also a professional a broadcast quality decoder for MPEG-2 Standard Defi niƟ on format, and provides a wide range of industry
standard digital analog video and audio outputs, CVBS, Component, AES/EBU, and SDI. This unique mulƟ funcƟ on architecture
makes the WDH-4500P an ideal product for digital TV broadcast network.

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